Sophisticated Spring ©
Length on class: 2 days (12 hours)
Proficiency level: Beginner to Intermediate
Class description: A warm spring morning, bright blue sky, pansies nod in the breeze. In our embroidery we will combine the freshness of new growth and dimensionality with the formal beauty of goldwork. The warmth of the sun reflects in the gold metallics as you shade your pansy created in soft twist silks. The outward spiral of brings the outer flowers and leaves to three-dimensional life.
This class is an introduction to the use of silk shading, goldwork techniques and detached elements. The students will learn to frame-up two fabrics for the foundation and backing. They will couch braid, wire and pearl variations along with learning how to work with sequins and check purl in S-ing. Silk shading is worked inside wire on silk organza and then cut away to make the pansy three-dimensional.
Size: 6" x 6" design on 9"x 12" silk foundation with linen backing. 1/2” detached element.